Where: On the cross country field in the South East corner of Birds Hill Park
What: Meet the Fences usually takes place Saturday before a MHT Schooling Event hosted by Manitoba Horse Trials. It is designed for coaches to take students out on the cross-country course to work on skill sets to prepare for the Sunday show.
If you do not have a coach to take you out on course please contact info@manitobahorsetrials.com. We will try to connect you with a coach who has signed up to be out there on the day.
- Riders, ask your coaches if they will take you out on course for Meet the Fences.
2. Coaches:
- a) must have current Registered or Licensed EC Coach status
- b) Have an MHC Membership,
- c) Contact us at mht.info18@gmail.com if you have a large group or several groups of students. A list of riders must be submitted and preferred time slot(s) identified. Time slots are not guaranteed.
- e) Register your EC Coaching credentials, on our website. This enables coaches to utilize the cross-country course for instructing students for the year.
- f) Ensure their students complete the Course User Registration for Individual Riders and pay for their Course User Fee ($30.00/day).
3. Riders need to:
- a) Have an MHC membership,
- b) Complete the Course User Registration for Individual Riders and pay for their Course User Fee ($30.00/day),
- c) RIDERS ONLY need to sign and submit: Acknowledgement of Risk and Release of Liability Waiver
- d) Wear appropriate protective equipment (including but not limited to a body protector and helmet at all times while mounted on the cross country course). Body Protector vests must meet or exceed, and be appropriately labeled ASTM approved standard F1937 or BETA Level 3 body protector standard.
4. Our Course Schooling Coordinator will respond to coaches upon receiving forms with further information regarding time slots and etiquette. Please note, time slots are allocated on a first come first serve basis, so get it in early!
Course user forms available through our website in the “Online Registration” tab or on the links above.
Note: If MHT provides riders with coaches contact information, this is based solely on the course user fee forms submitted and MHT is making no implication of credentials, qualifications, or knowledge of the coach.